The third annual Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary’s Coastal Discover Center was held last weekend on an overcast, but cool afternoon at William Hearst State Beach on San Simeon Bay. As usual the Fair attracted both locals and visitors from afar. Kids took advantage of expanded interactive exhibits to while away their afternoon. All agreed that this year’s fair scored another success!
Roger Spielberg setting up video camera equipment with good friend, PJ Webb. What I really needed was advice!
I wish I could take credit for teaching and developing my three children's emerging photography skill and art. But I can’t. The best I can claim is constant encouragement in their photographic endeavors. I am absolutely thrilled with the stride Allison, Erik and Todd in photography. And I am very proud of them!
All the photographs below were taken by one of the three; I wanted to make sure to give credit where credit‘s due.
Allison reports that the daily temperature this summer usually rises past 100 degrees with very high humidity. Despite all that, she and the family love living in Texas and their home in Copperas Cove. The heat must have gotten to them!

Drew perfects his diving techniques at their local pool.

Lexi getting swimming lessons from one of the pool's life guards.
Having had an extremely busy June, Todd flew to Indonesia in early July to hook-up with his bride. Melis (as Todd fondly calls her) is on a Fulbright Scholarship and has already been there for six months. They will live in an apartment in Yogyakarta until they return to the United States in December.

Todd at the summit of Mt. Rainer in June. The altitude is 14,410 ft.

Erik and Todd at Lassen Volcanic National Park in northeastern California.They spent several days climbing, hiking and camping in the wilderness.

I love this photograph by Erik during their trip to Lassen NP.
It was taken at Rainbow Lake in the Park.

Todd at the summit of Mt. Rainer in June. The altitude is 14,410 ft.
Erik and Todd at Lassen Volcanic National Park in northeastern California.They spent several days climbing, hiking and camping in the wilderness.
I love this photograph by Erik during their trip to Lassen NP.
It was taken at Rainbow Lake in the Park.
On my last post I did a piece on severe California Sea Lion mortality this summer due to malnutrition. NOAA scientists have identified the lack of food is due to "El Nino", a weather pattern that develops every 5-7 years and last up to 18 months. El Nino conditions also effect tides and storm patterns. The net effect is for traditional feeding grounds to shift drastically or disappear altogether. Just one of those quirks of nature telling mankind who's boss!