July 25, 2010


The Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary's Coastal Discovery Center held it's fourth annual Fair last week. Diana and I volunteered to help at the event again this year, something we've had the pleasure of doing since the Grand Opening of the MBNMS/CSP Coastal Discovery Center in 2007. That ceremony/event was the precursor for THE FAIR.

This year's fair was the best yet (of course) with a bright, sunny, and cool day. The exhibitors went above and beyond, having developed more interactive and interesting educational activities for our guests. Practically all the organizations that participated in The Fair were non-profit or governmental (state and Federal) agencies involved in natural history, environmental advocacy, or regulatory arenas. Of course there was a bunch of fun stuff to do for the kids to do, besides hands-on exhibits.

It was very satisfying to participate in an event that was both educational for the public AND fun at the same time! I thought I'd share some photographs I took at The Fair, enjoy!

July 2, 2010

Checking In With "T"

Di and I haven't been to Todd and Melissa's new apartment in Culver City, CA since they came back from Indonesia late last year. 

We had a good excuse to go for a visit since Todd had surgery to have his tonsils removed last week.  Of course, we had to wait in line, behind his wife, Melissa, his mom, Holly, and his mother-in-law, Brenda, before we had a chance to get him alone.  Fortunately he got a week off from teaching a class in photography/Photo Shop at summer school.  More importantly, he was feeling better from the surgery and is fully recovered from his bicycle accident several months ago.

Todd played tour guide and showed us around Culver City.  Most interesting was the Baldwin Hill Scenic Overlook, a very nice California State Park, and the school where he teaches, Culver City Middle School.  Unfortunately Melissa had to work and we were able only to see her at dinner one night.

We had a great time and I thought I'd share some photos of our trip:

Where did you say they cut your tonsils out?

Todd's pain killers.

Feeling better, Todd took us to Baldwin Hills Scenic Overlook.

A very proud father and his son.

Todd's classroom.

Mr.Teetzel in front of his infamous classroom, Room 110!

The front of Culver City Middle School.
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World War II GI's Philosophy:


Viet Nam War GI's Philosophy: