June 26, 2011


Yesterday morning Diana and I drove up to Moss Landing and met Erik, Rachel, Ronan, and Nieve who had driven down from Palo Alto.  

We spent the afternoon at the MBARI (Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute) Open House at their facility on Monterey Bay.  It was overcast, which was good since we didn't broil in the sun as we wandered around the exhibits, lectures, and activities.

The winner of the most popular activity of the Open House, by far,  was building the ROV (Remote Operation Vehicle) venue.  I'm not sure whether it was Ronan, Erik, or Diana who enjoyed the challenge the most!  I will say that all three of them demonstrated impressive engineering skills!

It was a fun and educational afternoon for all.  Seeing a world class research institution was very impressive.

As usual, I took a kazillion photographs.  I culled them down to these few, shown as a short movie:

June 3, 2011

Memorial Day weekend was just perfect, especially the weather:  It was a bit nippy (high in the mid 50s) and windy (30-40 mpg), but gorgeous just the same.  I couldn't resist jumping in "Bucky" (my bright red VW convertible) and cruising along the Coast checking out what was going on in Paradise.

The following video was taken earlier this year.  For some reason it disappeared from the internet (probably because it was so awful)!  It is a whale watching trip out of Morro Bay with the folks at the Coastal Discovery Center on the R/V Fulmer which was in the area doing a research project.


World War II GI's Philosophy:


Viet Nam War GI's Philosophy: