I was mortified, ah, I mean gratified, by the tremendous number of comments and suggestions I’ve received since my blog’s inception. Okay. All right: They were actually very creative and graphic criticisms and invective. I would share with you some of the e-mails, but I had promised to keep this blog free of smut and bad language (appropriate or not). The gist of these communications, rude and crude as they were, was that the blog’s title should be without my name (“Teetzel’s”). Boy, you (plural) really put the hurt on me with that one! Also, some mention was made of getting more creative in the blog’s design and to put better-edited videos on the blog. Geez, you’d think I was getting paid $millions$ for writing this, but never let it be said that I don’t listen to my reader(s). I’ll implement these suggestions as best I can, starting with two quotations that will be permanent on my blog. These quotations hold very special meanings for me: I’m sorry about the use of that four-letter word, but without it the phrase would be meaningless (at least to me)!
Blogger's Philosophical Ravings.....
Blogger's Opinion: Do They Really Think We’re That Stupid?!
Evidently they (AIG) do. They just announced millions of dollars of bonuses to be paid to many of their executives. Despite outrage spewing from all quarters of the Country, AIG’s CEO claims there’s nothing he can do about it. “Jeez guys, I hate to pay myself and my buddies millions, but our lawyers tell me we have no choice…sorry!” Right. You’ve destroyed shareholder equity, vaporized your own employees pension plans and jobs, rewarded a bonus to the worst performing divisions and executives of your company-–the very ones who have destroyed AIG, your company is all but insolvent, your customers are ignored, abused and threatened, and only the good people of the United States of America are keeping AIG’s doors open. All this translates into the most arrogant, unethical, manipulative, socially unconscious, and evil corporation around…they’re giving the American people the finger! God help us if all American businesses have sunk to their level! As I see it, there are only two options to deals with AIG; One, force them to fold their company and operations into Berkshire Hathaway, Warren Buffet’s led holding company, on a staged buyout, or two, the US Government should nationalize AIG.
This clip is to honor the Wisconsin Badger Men's and Women's hockey teams and the Men's basketball team whom have all made it into the NCAA tournaments in their respective sports. It should be noted that, in my day, centuries ago, the only thing any Badger team got into was jail!
From the Roget von Tetzel Collection...

Amazing and witty and intelligent Blog, CalBadger - I couldn't agree with you more about AIG and about war (but, could never put it so eloquently.) I think I recognize some of Danny's Bhagdad photos - and yes, I do remember the Wisconsin ones too - we go from one war to another. Anyway, keep blogging - you do great work :-)
I am eagerly waiting the lunar eclipse pic! that's my favorite from the Roget von Tetzel collection.
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