February 27, 2009


Life's journey continues.....

Welcome to my inaugural posting on
Teetzel's Cambrian Pathways blog. Up front, I want you to know that no one asked me to contribute to any blog, let alone start one! The sad truth is that I’ve actually had several pretty darn attractive offers not to start a blog. I’m sure you’re asking yourselves why then, am I launching Teetzel's Cambrian Pathways? The answer is long and complex. Suffice to say that when my not-yet-one-year-old grandson Ronan started his own blog, that caught my attention! I don’t care if his Dad does work for Google! A grandfather has to do what he has to do!

I am taking a class in San Luis Obispo every Tuesday and Thursday morning for one of my volunteer jobs. Being a caffeine addict, I usually stop at Starbucks and have a cup of coffee before class, Having a naturally curious mind (some might say brain dead) I read the ad copy on my coffee cup and was struck by the following: "There is a subtle difference between a mission and a promise. A mission is something you strive to accomplish--a promise is something you are compelled to keep." It occurred to me that my blog should have a mission statement, so here it is:

Teetzel's Cambrian Pathway's
Mission Statement

Teetzel's Cambrian Pathways is dedicated to providing information, news, views, reflections, observations, and hallucinations, relating to the Central California Coast, primarily around Cambria and its environs. I plan to include plenty of photographs and videos for those of you that either love graphic imagery or can’t read. I will endeavor to restrain my biases and promise, except for the occasional slip, not to use any rude and crude content. Hopefully I will have time to include some very short stories to entertain and inform. I will also offer original and profound philosophical tracts for the intellectual crowd. Naturally, I’m not responsible for this blog’s content. In a word, I want you to enjoy Teetzel's Cambrian Pathways while keeping abreast of the doings of the Teetzel family in Cambria; Roger, Diana, Abbey, Maxim, and Bandit. Of course I’ll have passing references to Allison, Erik and Todd and their wonderful families.

I thought you might enjoy this picture of Northern Elephant seals mating at the rookery in San Simeon on a recent warm afternoon:

So much for nothing rude or crude......!

I'll end by sharing with you some peace from the Central California coast.....


World War II GI's Philosophy:


Viet Nam War GI's Philosophy: