January 12, 2010


The December-January period is the most exciting time of the year at the Northern Elephant Seal Rookery at Piedras Blancas,California. During the early portion of this period, the entire herd of northern elephant seals slowly drift onto the beaches surrounding the Piedras Blancas Light Station. By Christmas all hell brakes loose; imagine 17,000+ elephant seals (males can weigh north of 5,000 pounds!) are on the beaches--wall-to-wall would be an understatement! The mature females give live birth to babes (know as blackcoats). Females bicker constantly with each other. The blackcoats are barking at their moms for food, all the while trying to avoid being crushed by rampaging males. Sub adult animals try to stay out of the way of everyone else so they can sleep. The real action is when the bull male elephant seals seek to acquire a goodly number of females for what is euphemistically called breeding purposes. They also have the very strong intention of dominating and controlling everything in their sphere of influence on the beach. The male who achieves these objectives is known as the Beachmaster, but he has to constantly fight other males coming in from the Pacific Ocean. Life ain't easy for these big guys, as the following photographs show:

LeRoy Brown shows up at the Rookery looking for some action

This young lady is what old LeRoy has in mind!

Unfortunately for Mr. Brown, the reigning beachmaster took exception to LeRoy's desires!

The "discussions" begin.

Boys will be boys, especially if there are beau coup voluptuous ladies around.

These guys are intense! Those ladies must be really sexy!

This activity isn't for sissies!


Uncle! You can have those bitches!
For those of you that insist on a video, here you go:

January 3, 2010

A Late Christmas...

Todd and Melissa flew back to the United States right before Christmas after a year of work, study and exploration in Indonesia. They spent the Christmas Season with family and friends in Del Mar, CA. They drove up to visit Diana and I in Cambria for the New Year's Season.

Di, Rog and Melissa at Ragged Point, CA

Todd and Melissa flew back to the United States right before Christmas after a year of work, study and exploration in Indonesia. They spent the Christmas Season with family and friends in Del Mar, CA. They drove up to visit Diana and I in Cambria for the New Year's Season.      

Melissa and Todd At Breakfast--Ragged Point Inn

Rog Reliving Wisconsin Badger's Bowl Victory Over Miami Hurricanes!

Bull Elephant Seals Fighting for Dominance on the Beach

Todd and Melissa at the Elephant Seal Rookery, San Simeon, CA

Finally, Di and I would like to wish one and all:

A Happy New Year!


World War II GI's Philosophy:


Viet Nam War GI's Philosophy: